Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Borders special report

Last night, INTERN ran into her friend who works at Borders. He was looking uncharacteristically grim. Even his nose ring had lost its gleam.

"What are they buying?" asked INTERN, putting her arm around his shoulder and shepherding him to a quiet booth.

He rolled his eyes and said bitterly, "Sarah Palin Going Rogue."

He has since taken mental health leave...


  1. I can totally relate with the mental health leave thingy!

  2. Check out her brilliant op-ed on climate change in today's Washington Post.

    She acknowledges climate is changing, but says we shouldn't do anything about it because scientists cooked the books to, that climate is changing.

    Watch my brain explode.

  3. Be thankful there is still a Borders :) UK and Irish branches are taken leave too . . . permanately.

  4. Ooohh, poor guy. It would be scarring to witness such things :S. Hopefully he makes a full recovery.

  5. Ah yes. The gift that will keep on giving all through the year...

  6. Poor guy. At least the news wasn't that they aren't buying anything because they are going under. That was my fear when I saw the post title!

  7. It's worse in the UK - Borders are shutting down entirely and are selling off the bits. People have been saying that walking into one of their stores is like walking into a charity store that's just been burgled.

  8. Bibliovore and Emily Cross: INTERN's friend says Borders is closing half of their mall stores in the US. His was not on the list to be axed, but then again, there was no employee christmas party this year...

  9. Oh, I'd have to take a mental health leave too!

  10. INTERN...
    Tell that YOUNG man, losing his nose gleam is just the beginning... wait 'til,

    Late thirties -- yer legs leave ya, nose hairs grows, head hair falls like dead timber
    Early forties -- eyesight goes, ear hair grows like Bermuda grass
    Fifties -- bones and joints get edgy and angry
    Sixties -- prostrate suddenly grows on its' own
    Seventies -- ???
    Eighties -- ???
    Nineties -- ???

    Oh, yeah, somewhere in that time frame, Mr. Happy doesn't even look at the girly zines in Borders anymore... Hell, they may as well close!

    Fun ride, huh!

    Haste yee back ;-)

  11. Ugh...the stupidity of 'people' never ceases to amaze me.

    Any news on the internship?????

  12. I hope Palin runs for President. I'm clapping my hands with GLEE! Ah... it would be comic relief for a year!

  13. Is it too much to hope that people are just buying it out of curiosity and not real interest?

  14. Today, we are all depressed Borders employees.

  15. I like that we all have options-- that Border's is still open and Sarah's book is on the shelf along with Obama's. At least until Border's goes the way of the UK...

    Long live the freedom to choose. I don't understand when others just can't fathom that someone has a different political stance than they do.

  16. HAHAHAAH! I'm surprised it wasn't a picture book about chastity. ahem.

    I went to B & N yesterday and OMG I LOVE THE NOOK!!! I'd never seen one before!! I will wait until the next version when hopefully it'll have email capabilities, but OMG!!! I'll never have to be without a book ever again!


  17. I reminded my three children that if anyONE of them gave the the Palin book for Christmas, they were out of my will!!!!

    Were I to read it -- or the Glen Beck books -- I would only do so through a library or through the secondary market. Neither writer needs a penny of royalties from me.

    Bitter? No. Realistic, yes.

  18. And, we are all depressed Borders' customers...

  19. Are you serious??? Forgive me, as I just re-tasted my breakfast in the back of my throat.

  20. Sarah Palin visited our area during Thanksgiving. The local Hastings bookstore had people lined up for twenty-seven miles (or maybe around the block). My husband and his friends stood outside the Indie bookstore a block over(where they play their geeky war games with little plastic men every Sunday)and watched the conservatives queue up. A surprisingly terrifying crowd, albeit clean cut and mannerly.

  21. The Palin story is still unfolding in the news. No reason not to expect the public to have an interest in knowing her ongoing story more in depth. Isn't that why politicians are successful writers? Once the story's complete though, that's it. Johnny Cochran got his story in just in time to make a whopping advance, but his story was old news by the time it was released.

  22. There is a hysterical review of the book being done at the Margaret and Helen blog:

    They post irregularly but are so funny that each post is well worth the wait!

  23. LOL... people just want to stay on top of things. I highly doubt anyone really wants to know Palin's dirty details. Maybe, but more than likely not.
