In case any of you fine hoopy froods aren't aware, today (May 25th) is Towel Day, in honour of Douglas Adams. There are Towel Day events happening all over the world—really—find one near you at the Towel Day website.
To make things even more peculiar, the Guardian reports that Terry Pratchett fans wear lilac towels on May 25th in joint support of Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett's novel Night Watch, and Alzheimer's research. INTERN, for her part, is rocking an "under the sea" themed towel to demonstrate her support of Douglas Adams, Jacques Cousteau, the Gulf oil spill, the colour blue, and endangered starfish.
I actually have a lilac towel, but it is far too hot to wear it today.
ReplyDeleteI'm mortified to admit that I forgot my towel at home. It would've been useful too, given how hot it has been in Boston today.
ReplyDeleteAh, slactivism. It makes you feel good but accomplishes nothing.
ReplyDeleteI always knew you were hoopy.
ReplyDeleteIn fact, just the other day I was reading Neil Gaiman's Don't Panic: The Official Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Companion and Adams reminded me of you cutting that first chapter:
"I threw out practically every word of the first draft of Life, the Universe, and Everything. Take, for example, the first twenty pages. I rewrote it and rewrote it and rewrote it, and at the end of twenty rewrites those twenty pages were the first two lines of the book."
What a hoopy frood I am. Douglas Adams - still can't believe he's gone.
ReplyDeleteI have some towels. Perhaps I should celebrate. Maybe when they come out of the dryer.
ReplyDeleteAre you a zombie? Your hand looks super scary
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting me know about this. I'm still mad at the Universe or whatever it was that took Douglas Adams from us. (Crying into my towel.)
ReplyDeleteI can tell from here that's Techie's boyfriend's arm holding the towel!
ReplyDeleteHaste yee back ;-)
Kevin/Haste Ye: 'tis not INTERN's hand or Techie Boyfriend's hand holding the towel, but rather an unknown hand off Flickr!
ReplyDeleteGood, cus that boy needs to clean his fingernails... or not!
ReplyDeleteIf he don't mind, I don't mind.
(I'm not buying your book 'til you come out from anonymity)
Haste yee back ;-)
What happened to your aversion to photos in blog posts!?
ReplyDeleteDid I miss the memo about the change in policy!?